CAVU Energy Metals Corp.
CAVU Energy Metals Corp.
CAVU Energy Metals Corp. is a junior mining company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral projects containing metals used in green technologies and the renewable energy sector. The Company is currently focused on the exploration of its Hopper Copper-Gold Project in Yukon and recently acquired Star Copper-Gold Porphyry Project in BC.
CAVU Energy Metals Corp. (CAVU)
SEDAR Information
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Company Officers
2022-1220 - Delist - CAVU Energy Metals Corp. (CAVU)
le 19 décembre/December 2022
At the request of the company the common shares of CAVU Energy Metals Corp. will be delisted at market close on December 19, 2022.
For more information, see the CAVU Energy Metals Corp. news release.
À la demande de la société, les actions ordinaires de CAVU Energy Metals Corp. seront radiées à la clôture du marché le 19 décembre 2022.