Green Scientific Labs Holdings Inc. - Subordinate Voting Shares
Green Scientific Labs Holdings Inc. - Subordinate Voting Shares

Green Scientific Labs Holdings Inc. is a leading cannabis and hemp testing laboratory that currently operates one testing lab facility in Florida which provides analytical testing services for state licensed cannabis and hemp growers, product formulators, processors, distributors and retailers. GSL provides industry-leading analysis and testing to the cannabis and hemp industry, under ISO-17025:2017 guidelines, to ensure consumers know in the composition of cannabis and hemp they ingest and to help maximize the quality of its client’s products through research, development and standardization.
Green Scientific Labs Holdings Inc. - Subordinate Voting Shares (GSL)
SEDAR Information
Company Info
2023-0903 - Suspension - Green Scientific Labs Holdings Inc. (GSL)
le 6 septembre/September 2023
Effective immediately, Green Scientific Labs Holdings Inc. is suspended pursuant to CSE Policy 3. The suspension is considered a Regulatory Halt as defined in National Instrument 23-101 Trading Rules. A cease trade order has been issued by the Ontario Securities Commissions.
For more information about Cease Trade Orders, visit the Canadian Securities Administrators Cease Trade Order database at