Le 21 septembre/September2018
The quarterly rebalancing of the CSE Composite Index will result in the following changes, effective after the close on Friday, September 21, 2018.
Le rééquilibrage trimestriel de l’indice composé du CSE Composite entraînera les modifications suivantes, en vigueur à la fermeture le vendredi 21 septembre 2018.
Symbol | Issuer | Sector |
GTII | Green Thumb Industries Inc. | Life Sciences |
ASNT | Ascent Industries Corp. | Life Sciences |
CWEB | Charlotte's Web Holdings Inc. | Life Sciences |
PLTH | Planet 13 Holdings Inc. | Life Sciences |
SPR | Sproutly Canada Inc. | Life Sciences |
CPTR | Captor Capital Corp | Diversified Industries |
SIX | Hydro66 Holdings Corp. | Technology |
SCYB | Scythian Biosciences Corp. | Life Sciences |
URG | Oriental Non-Ferrous Resources | Mining |
NC | NetCents Technology Inc. | Technology |
CDVA | CordovaCann Corp. | Life Sciences |
HYPR | HyperBlock Inc. | Technology |
CXXI | C21 Investments Inc. | Life Sciences |
ISH | Inner Spirit Holdings Ltd. | Diversified Industries |
LLT | Litelink Technologies Inc. | Technology |
EASY | SpeakEasy Cannabis Club Ltd. | Life Sciences |
FOG | FogChain Corp | Technology |
MJRX | Global Health Clinics Ltd. | Life Sciences |
BZI | Brisio Innovations Inc. | Technology |
CHM | Chemistree Technology Inc. | Technology |
AKE | Atlas Blockchain Group Inc. | Technology |
ICAN | Integrated Cannabis Company Inc. | Life Sciences |
PHGI | Premier Health Group Inc. | Life Sciences |
PILL | Canntab Therapeutics Limited | Life Sciences |
BLVD | BLVD Centers Corporation | Life Sciences |
EPW | Empower Clinics Inc | Life Sciences |
GNI | Genius Properties Ltd. | Mining |
CGN | Cognetivity Neurosciences Ltd. | Life Sciences |
OIL | Permex Petroleum Corporation | Oil and Gas |
OPI | ESI Energy Services Inc. | Oil and Gas |
KBEV | Koios Beverage Corp. | Life Sciences |
SXTY | Sixty North Gold Mining Inc. | Mining |
BCFN | Blockchain Foundry Inc | Technology |
RIN | Resinco Capital Partners Inc. | Diversified Industries |
QMI | Qwick Media Inc. | Technology |
BLOX | Blox Labs Inc. | Technology |
TGC | Taiga Gold Corp | Mining |
GENM | Generation Mining Limited | Mining |
IZO | Izotropic Corporation | Life Sciences |
DHC | Deer Horn Capital Inc. | Mining |
RXM | Rockex Mining Corporation | Mining |
Symbol | Issuer | Sector |
BUDD | Lineage Grow Company Ltd. | Diversified Industries |
PLAY | Blocplay Entertainment Inc. | Technology |
LILY | Callitas Health Inc. | Life Sciences |
NP | New Point Exploration Corp. | Mining |
ADX | Advantex Marketing International Inc. | Diversified Industries |
BXXX | Block X Capital Corp. | Technology |
CFE | Cartier Iron Corporation | Mining |
BIS | Blackchain Solutions Inc. | Technology |
NI | Victory Nickel Inc. | Mining |
TOP | Enertopia Corp. | Diversified Industries |
GTI | Glenbriar Technologies Inc. | Technology |
GRE | Graphite Energy Corp. | Mining |
MAY | Meadow Bay Gold Corporation | Mining |
CAI | Cautivo Mining Inc. | Mining |
LVI | Lightning Venture Inc. | Diversified Industries |
GPC | Gunpowder Capital Corp. | Diversified Industries |
AXC | Alexandra Capital Corp. | Mining |
PGOL | Patriot Gold Corp. | Mining |
For more information about the CSE Composite Index, including the full list of securities and the index methodology, visit the CSE website.
Pour plus d’information sur l’indice composé CSE, incluant la liste complète des titres et la méthodologie indicielle, rendez-vous sur le site Web du CSE.
Contact Information/Coordonnées
Index Management/Gestion de l’indice :
Robert Cook
Senior Vice-President Market Development/Vice-président principal du développement
Robert.Cook@thecse.com (416) 367-7349
Media Relations/Relations avec la presse:
Richard Carleton, CEO
Richard.Carleton@thecse.com (416) 367-7360